What is maintenance?
Vehicle maintenance is the servicing and repair of a vehicle throughout the life of the contract.
It includes repair of a vehicle and includes parts, labour and even tyres, which have failed or worn out as a result of normal wear and tear. Routine servicing is carried out using vehicle data in compliance with manufactures guidelines.
Regular maintenance is critical to ensure the safety, reliability, drivability, comfort and longevity of a car. Many customers will choose Maintenance because they can pay for the upkeep of their vehicle through a fixed cost, which can be spread across the length of the contract.
This can give peace of mind with no unexpected outlay!
There is also the contractual obligation for the customer to have the vehicle routinely serviced and maintained. Manufacturer service intervals must be met to avoid a breach of warranty conditions.

What is a maintenance package?
It’s advisory to take out a maintenance package before you take delivery of your vehicle. In order to ensure that your warranty is valid, some lenders require regular servicing and repairs to be carried out on vehicles.
Key points to remember:
Maintenance is more than just servicing the vehicle; it is a vital part of ensuring a vehicle is roadworthy and sustaining the vehicle’s performance over time.
Funders offer a comprehensive service, to ensure that the customer gets the best value from their vehicles, with minimal downtime.
Why choose a maintenance package?
Adding a maintenance package to your vehicle lease could save you time and money in the long run; further, taking the hassle out of sourcing vehicle repairs.
For a fixed monthly rate, all your vehicle servicing charges are looked after! The price will depend on a number of factors, such as your vehicle and finance provider. Speak to a member of our sales team today to enquire about maintenance packages!
Typically, your maintenance package will include:
- MOT (If applicable)
- Tyre checks
- Fixing or replacing parts covered by the Fair Wear & Tear Guide
- Mechanical & Electrical repairs and replacements
Thus, a maintenance package could save you hundreds on repair charges and vital time!
Typically, a maintenance package won’t include the following repairs, although, you’re encouraged to check with your finance provider to see exactly what their maintenance packages cover!
- Damaged windows or glass
- Broken or missing parts; such as hub caps or wing mirrors
- Where repairs or replacements are required due to driver error, such as crashing or using the wrong fuel
- Where repairs or replacements are required due to vandalism
- Replacements which are subject to an insurance claim, or where fraudulent activity is expected
Key benefits include:
- Premium branded tyres replacements are fitted by approved suppliers. (Tread depth of 2mm, Driver Misuse is excluded. Finance company dependent)
- Tyre replacements are normally unlimited.
- Breakdown & roadside recovery are normally included (For contracts that include Breakdown option. Please confirm with your supplier).
- All maintenance payments are VAT reclaimable.
- Vehicles can be serviced in most locations across the UK.
- Industry experts. Trained technicians on hand, to offer expert advice.
- Ideal rates for parts and labour, via the Finance Company’s buying power (included in the maintenance package).
- Easier to budget, with no large repair fee or surprises. (Costs are spread monthly)
- Hassle-free booking options with Service Level Agreements, ensuring that bookings are easy to make. (funder dependent).
Maintenance isn’t just an ‘add on’. It is a service value offering, that gives the customer another option, supporting them as they make an informed decision. Whilst maintenance packages come at an additional cost, they can drastically reduce consumer concerns regarding unexpected repair bills. Save you essential time and money!
Need more information? Call us: 0161 928 3456
Or email your questions to: [email protected]
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